The Talmud (and not the Scriptures) is the legal/canonical text which obligates those who follow the Jewish religion. It is from the Talmud that laws, regulations, and world views are drawn. In practice, the everyday life of the modern religious person is drawn and influenced by the Talmud. Therefore this section will present the reader with the ways of the Talmud, its interpretations, and its strange and odd sophistry, inconsistent and illogical. The “interpretations” of the Scriptures and the Mishnah by the Talmudic Sages is naught but Chazal’s opinion which forces, distorts, and deforms what was written. |
Tractate Berachot

The Sages’ Knowledge on Matters of Dreams
Chazal made up interpretations of dreams, with no logic or clarity: sometimes a dream has meaning and sometimes is nonsense; sometimes dreams are from G-d and sometimes from the devil.

Halachic Times
With the development of astronomy, the Halachic determination of times has become ridiculous and erroneous.

What the Dead Feel and What They Say
Chazal's faith in talking souls and the Scriptural permission to embalm a body and cremate it.

The Torah Spoke in a Human Manner
Chazal's view of the Scriptures is ambivalent. Sometimes it speaks in a human manner, sometimes in cryptic ways, sometime precisely, all based on the Sages' whim.
Tractate Shabbat

Talmudic Interpretations of the Mishnah — Puzzling, Odd, and Strange
- Interpreters of the Mishnah turned the Mishnah into an absurd laughingstock.

The Prophet Ezekiel Contradicts the Words of the Torah
How the traditional rabbis handled the contradictions in Ezekiel.

We do not live according to the Mishnah
The Talmudic Sages, as interpreters of the Mishnah, distorted and warped the meaning of the Mishnah, just as they did to the Scriptures.

The Amoraim treat the Mishnah as their own
The Sages of the Talmud add, subtract, and remove words from the Mishnah in order to reach their pre-determined conclusions.

What is an etrog, what is a hadas?
The etrog used in our days is not the 'fruit of a goodly tree' mentioned in the Torah. The hadas used in our days is not the Biblical 'twigs of a plaited tree'.

Each generation and its own Holy Writ
The Holy Writ was finalized in the first centuries CE according to arbitrary decisions by the Sages.
Tractate Eiruvin

The Ink of the Torah Scroll – Tradition Given to Moses at Sinai?
The development of ink production and how the decisions of sages in later generations become, post facto 'tradition given to Moses at Sinai'.

Scriptures and Talmud – What is Reality and What is Parable?
The method of allegorical interpretation is not consistent and the reader cannot tell when something is parable and when it is not.

The Conversation of The Sages is Naught but Lewdness…
Chazal's descriptions and language shows a preoccupation with sex bordering on perversion. The sexy doe and a Biblical vibrator.

May you carry in the public domain? It changes from generation to generation
The definition of a public domain in reference to the laws of Shabbat change from generation to generation.

Odd Scholarship–The Amoraim and the reasons for the halachot in the Mishna
The Sages of the Talmud find odd explanations for halachot, build fantastical conjecturers, and contradict themselves.