How the Charedi Deal with Exile Under Democratic Regimes

How the Charedi Deal with Exile Under Democratic Regimes

A frightening summary of a book written by a Charedi scholar, suggesting how the "G-d fearing Jew" can confront enlightenment and equality.

Violence in the Charedi-Religious Sector

Violence in the Charedi-Religious Sector

Verbal and physical violence receives a stamp of approval from the Halachic legal system; it is an inevitable result of the lack of tolerance for the stranger and the different.

The Secular Jew’s Place in Halacha

The Secular Jew’s Place in Halacha

The treatment of the secular as a criminal Jew; one who has announced his rejection of G-d or the Divine Revelation to man is an apostate and heretic whom one is commanded to kill with no trial or hearing.

The Status of Women in Halacha

The Status of Women in Halacha

The woman is treated as an aide and assistant to the man and as such she is disenfranchised in the legal system, from holding high office, she is forbidden to study the Talmud, and she does not inherit from her parents or her husband.

Gentiles in Halacha

Gentiles in Halacha

An essay by Rabbi David Bar Chaim clarifies Judaism's arrogant, degrading, and racist attitude toward gentiles.

The Jewish Nation Is The People Chosen To Fulfill The Purpose Of Creation

The Jewish Nation Is The People Chosen To Fulfill The Purpose Of Creation

The basic belief of Judaism is a seed of calamity which leads to racism and discrimination.

Morality in Halacha

Morality in Halacha

In the Jewish religion there is no morality, only obedience to G-d's commands. The world was created for a defined goal and purpose: for the Jewish nation to perform G-d's command, even at the price of their personal happiness.

Additional articles about Religions & Ethics



The laws of the Torah and democratic values.



The Torah permits killing people to consecrate them to G-d.



Halacha permits the killing of gentiles and apostates.



A daughter is the property of her father, according to the Torah.



One is permitted to kill a gentile, according to the Torah and Halacha.



Discrimination against women and the disabled amongst cohanim.